Thanks to Community Interest Luton (CIL) we were able to support a number of residents in Farley Hill with amazing food parcels during lockdown.
CIL received a grant from DEFRA and contacted FBL to check if families could be supported with a household shop. We sent a list of families over to CIL every week for 7 weeks.
Over the weeks FBL has referred: 140 families to Community Interest Luton for a shopping parcel. We counted the number of people per household for the 140 families and found that overall, the shopping has benefited 617 People.
Out of the 140 families, 37 were from outside of Farley Hill. These referrals were made by residents of Farley Hill and other professionals who knew of families financially struggling in Luton.
FBL worked in partnership with local organisations who have made weekly referrals to us for families in need.
Watch our video to find out more.